Saturday, 6 June 2009
Some days back, I blurted out that being free-thinkers is an insult to mankind.
By definition, free-thinkers do not care about the existence of God. They are indifferent to the possible existence of a higher being, and through having no opinion of their own about such an issue, claim neutrality.
Whether they realise it or not, through indifference towards the issue of God, they are claiming that they do not care about living. The existence of God and the nature of God are issues that will fundamentally affect the way we live. To be an atheist and to be a Christian and to be an agnostic, all these are very different modes of living based on widely different principles.
Calling yourself a free-thinker is no escape from the consideration of such important issues; by not considering God, you basically declare that you refuse to examine how life ought to be lived. You are saying that you are stupid about your own life, euphemistically shirking responsibility in the crucial task of self-examination.
Well, if that is how you want to live, so be it. To me, however, it remains an insult to mankind’s ability to think, for people out there to not think about the things that matter most. Then again, maybe they just cannot discern what matters most.
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