The end of time
Friday, 11 February 2011
I think the academicians have got it all wrong. The world today does not suffer from spiritual deprivation, nor from materialism, nor from post-modernism and all the other jargon that have been used, in a desperate and misguidedly intellectual attempt to diagnose the disease of the modern man. It suffers from over-analysis, an overly rational way of attempting to understand a problem that really is very simple. Modern life suffers from the same disease that has inflicted all of mankind since the birth of man. The roots of it is emotional, the cause of it is social, the consequences of it is cruel. It is a disease called loneliness.
It is loneliness that brings people together.
It is loneliness that creates a blossoming of faith, a belief in a heavenly Father that is ever and always by your side, or a more ascetic hope of uniting with the divine.
It is loneliness that drives people towards the sensual life, an experience of a rich exterior world that conceals and deceives themselves about the emotional emptiness beneath.
It is why we make friends
Why we fall in love.
At the end of my life, what I want is not to be famous or to be rich and powerful. It is enough to be understood.
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